Scale Up of a Game-Changing Hybrid Rocket Propulsion System for Sounding Rockets and Smallsat Launchers
HyImpulse applied for EU funding through the SME Instrument, part of the EU's Horizon 2020 program.
With SME Phase 2 HyTEC HyImpulse intends to accelerate the scale up of hardware and business component of the Mini Launcher and enter the sounding rocket € 1-2 Billion market, demonstrating hybrid propulsion as a safe, green, and low cost alternative for smallsats access to space.
This work will also lead to a complete formulation and execution of the launcher production strategy that benefits from European technology expertise in composites and 3D printing. Major cost reduction from HyImpulse by half compared to competitors is planned thanks to mass (serial and automated) production of hybrid rocket engines. This project will lead to direct growth, leadership, independent access to space and complement other institutional European launch offerings by filling the lower end (payload mass) of satellite launch products.

✓ Motor Test Completed
✓ Turbopump design is under development
✓ Rocket Engine Design completed
Poster published for SmallSat 2020 conference
Paper published and presented at IAC 2020
ILA Berlin Show Participations
IAC 2021
Space Propulsion 2022
IAC 2022

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 880174.

First series of qualification tests of our flight scale 75kN Hybrid motor.
Hybrid Rocket Technology Exploration
Hybrid Technology Exploration to bring this type of propulsion to a mature state enabling rockets’ flights in Europe.
HyImpulse applied to the MSCA call for Individual Fellowship through one of its hybrid propulsion researchers, and successfully obtained the funding from the EU commission in 2020. The action took place from 03.2021 to 02.2023 and aimed at investigating specific aspects related to hybrid motors. The goal was to support the development of the largest rocket engine of this type in Europe in order to be exploitable for mini launcher and sounding rocket applications, targeting a more independent access to space for Europe.
The research work was focused on several topics such as: the elaboration of novel measurement and analysis techniques to study the fuel regression rate, the wax optimal composition properties and the engine performances and stability. In addition to the scientific investigations of complex and coupled phenomena occurring in the combustion chamber of a hybrid engine, significant investigation on production was aiming at improving an innovative and proprietary paraffin manufacturing process. The most original aspect of the fellowship has been the combination of scientific investigations of complex phenomena with innovative technical developments that were required to make hybrid propulsion technology competitive in the coming years.
Over the action, tens of medium-scales as well as more than 10 large-scale engines have been fired and the progress done regarding motor performance has been significant. These testing activities have been realized partially at the DLR test site of Lampoldshausen and in the Shetland Island where HyImpulse owns a test facility at Scatsta Airport.

Hot fire test of a HyPLOX75 hybrid engine at HyImpulse test facility in Shetland
The dissemination plan of the project has been performed through different manners and supports such as a dedicated webpage on HyImpulse website, the participation to international conferences or other type of events, the publication of promotional videos, the writing of company newsletter as well as the support of the company open day.
Recent communication during Space Propulsion 2022 conference around the project results: “75 kN LOX/paraffin flight-weight hybrid motor development” by Jérôme Messineo, Anna Petrarolo, Vittorio Di Pietrantonio, Enrico Paccagnella, Ben Oker and Mario Kobald.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101022868.