If you want to join our highly skilled team and our journey to space, send us your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
DFM Ingenieur (m/w/d)
Type: Vollzeit
Start: ab sofort
Standort: Neuenstadt
- Selbstständige Konzeption, Entwicklung und Optimierung effizienter Produktionsprozesse in den Bereichen Bearbeitung und Montage
- Definition von Werkzeugen und Vorrichtungen sowie Sondereinrichtungen und Systemen
- Sicherstellen von effizienten Produktionsabläufen und Planen von Arbeitspaketen für die Produktion in enger Abstimmung mit den Fachabteilungen und der Projektleitung
- Analysieren und Lösen von Produktionsproblemen und Umsetzen von Verbesserungsmaßnahmen
- Bereitstellung von DFM-Input (Design for Manufacturability) für das Konstruktionsteam für Bauteile und Baugruppen
- Prüfung von Zeichnungen und CAD-Modellen auf Produktionsreife
- Einführen von neuen Technologien und Produktionsverfahren
- Abgeschlossenes technisches Studium oder vergleichbare Ausbildung
- Mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung, idealerweise in den Bereichen Metallfertigungsverfahren, Zerspanung, Umformung
- Kenntnisse in der CAD/CAM-Programmierung wünschenswert
- Erfahrung mit der Integration von Bauteilen in Baugruppen
- Geschickter Umgang mit technischen Zeichnungen und der Definition von Form- und Lagetoleranzen
- Sicherer Umgang mit CAD-Software und gängigen MS-Office-Anwendungen
- Idealerweise Erfahrung mit EN9100, ISO 1101 und 14405
- Ein spannendes Arbeitsumfeld, dass die Entwicklung, den Bau und den Einsatz von Hybridraketen umfasst
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten (Gleitzeit), 30 Tage Urlaub
- Hybrides Arbeiten / Homeoffice / mobiles Arbeiten
- Weihnachtsgeld
- Leistungsanreize möglich
- Berufliche Weiterentwicklung durch Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- Ein vielfältiges und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem talentierte Menschen aus über 16 Nationen zusammenkommen, um Großes zu leisten.
- Direkter Beitrag und Teilnahme an den End-to-End-Entwicklungsprozessen eines wachsenden New Space Start-ups
Unser Standort Neuenstadt im Heilbronner Land bietet eine optimale Kombination aus ländlichem Charme und städtischer Lebensqualität. Gelegen im Herzen von Baden-Württemberg, zeichnet sich die Region durch ihre hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung und ihre vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten aus. Entdecke die Vorzüge dieser dynamischen und lebenswerten Umgebung und profitiere von einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance. Aus Baden-Württemberg sind im vergangenen Jahr mit großem Abstand deutschlandweit die meisten Patente angemeldet worden. Insgesamt sind 16.000 Menschen in LR BW-Mitgliedseinrichtungen tätig und setzen jährlich rund 5 Milliarden Euro um – Tendenz steigend. Die Stärke der baden-württembergischen Luft- und Raumfahrt liegt in der integrierten Wertschöpfungskette von der Schraube bis hin zum Forschungssatelliten.
Gleiche Beschäftigungschancen:
HyImpulse ist bestrebt, ein vielfältiges und integratives Umfeld zu schaffen. Als Arbeitgeber, der die Chancengleichheit fördert, werden alle qualifizierten Bewerber ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, genetische Informationen, nationale Herkunft, Alter oder Behinderung berücksichtigt. Bist du bereit für deine Zukunft? Bewerbe dich jetzt unter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
DFM Engineer (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start date: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany
Key responsibilities:
- Independent design, development and optimization of efficient production processes in the areas of machining and assembly
- Definition of tools and equipment, as well as special equipment and systems
- Ensuring efficient production processes and planning work packages for production in close coordination with specialist departments and project management
- Analyzing and resolving production problems and implementing improvement measures
- Provide DFM (design for manufacturability) input to design team for components and assemblies
- Check from Drawings and CAD models for production readiness
- Introducing new technologies and production processes /p>
Basic qualification:
- Completed technical studies or comparable training
- At least 3 years of professional experience, ideally in the areas of metal production processes, machining, forming
- Knowledge of CAD/CAM programming desirable
- Experienced with component integration in assemblies
- Skilled with technical drawings and the definition of shape and position tolerances
- Confident handling of CAD software and common MS Office applications
- Ideally experience with EN9100, ISO 1101 and 14405
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.
Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Verfahrensmechaniker (m/w/d) Faserverbundbauteile
Type: Vollzeit
Start: ab sofort
Standort: Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany
- Herstellung von Bauteilen und Montage von Baugruppen in CFK- und GFK-Bauweise (vorwiegend Prototypen, Einzelteile und Kleinserien mit verschiedenen Technologien)
- Herstellen von Bauteilen im Handlaminier- und Wickelverfahren gem. Vorgabe
- Mechanische Bearbeitung von Faserverbundbauteilen
- Abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Verfahrensmechaniker (m/w/d) für Kunststoff-/Kautschuktechnik Fachrichtung Faserverbundtechnologie, zum Leichtflugzeugbauer (m/w/d) oder zum Technischen Modellbauer (m/w/d) bzw. eine der Funktion entsprechende Berufsausbildung mit fachspezifischer Erfahrung
- Grundkenntnisse der Faserverbundwerkstoffe
- Handwerkliches Geschick
- Idealerweise Berufserfahrung im Bereich Faserverbundwerkstoffe oder Luftfahrtindustrie
- Ein spannendes Arbeitsumfeld, dass die Entwicklung, den Bau und den Einsatz von Hybridraketen umfasst
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Weihnachtsgeld
- Leistungsanreize möglich
- Berufliche Weiterentwicklung durch Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- Ein vielfältiges und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem talentierte Menschen aus über 16 Nationen zusammenkommen, um Großes zu leisten.
- Direkter Beitrag und Teilnahme an den End-to-End-Entwicklungsprozessen eines wachsenden New Space Start-ups
Unser Standort Neuenstadt im Heilbronner Land bietet eine optimale Kombination aus ländlichem Charme und städtischer Lebensqualität. Gelegen im Herzen von Baden-Württemberg, zeichnet sich die Region durch ihre hervorragende Verkehrsanbindung und ihre vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten aus. Entdecke die Vorzüge dieser dynamischen und lebenswerten Umgebung und profitiere von einer ausgewogenen Work-Life-Balance. Aus Baden-Württemberg sind im vergangenen Jahr mit großem Abstand deutschlandweit die meisten Patente angemeldet worden. Insgesamt sind 16.000 Menschen in LR BW-Mitgliedseinrichtungen tätig und setzen jährlich rund 5 Milliarden Euro um – Tendenz steigend. Die Stärke der baden-württembergischen Luft- und Raumfahrt liegt in der integrierten Wertschöpfungskette von der Schraube bis hin zum Forschungssatelliten.
Gleiche Beschäftigungschancen:
HyImpulse ist bestrebt, ein vielfältiges und integratives Umfeld zu schaffen. Als Arbeitgeber, der die Chancengleichheit fördert, werden alle qualifizierten Bewerber ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, genetische Informationen, nationale Herkunft, Alter oder Behinderung berücksichtigt.
Bist du bereit für deine Zukunft? Bewerbe dich jetzt unter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Process Mechanic (m/f/d) for fibre composite components
Type: Full-time
Start date: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany
Key responsibilities:
- Production of components and assembly of components in CFRP and GFRP construction (mainly prototypes, individual parts and small series with various technologies)
- Manufacture of components using manual lamination and winding processes according to specifications
- Mechanical processing of fibre composite components
Basic qualification:
- Completed training as a process mechanic (m/f/d) for plastics/rubber technology specialising in fibre composite technology, as a light aircraft builder (m/f/d) or as a technical model builder (m/f/d) or vocational training corresponding to the function with specialist experience
- Basic knowledge of fibre composite materials
- Skilled craftsmanship
- Ideally professional experience in the field of fibre composites or the aviation industry
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- 30 days of holiday
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.
Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cutting Machine Operator (m/f/d) Milling and Turning Technology
Type: Full-time
Start date: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany
Key responsibilities:
- Independent set-up and operation of CNC milling and turning machines with Heidenhain and Siemens controls
- Independent work on conventional machines
- Creating and adapting CNC programs on the machine control system
- Independent work according to technical drawings
- Production of individual and series parts
- Testing and measuring the finished workpieces
- Possible deployment on test and flight campaigns at home and abroad
Basic qualification:
- Completed vocational training as a cutting machine operator (m/f/d) milling and turning technology
- At least 3 years of professional experience
- Ability to read technical drawings and confident handling of common measuring equipment
- Technical understanding and interest in craftsmanship
- High quality awareness
- Independent working style, reliability and ability to work under pressure
- Ability to communicate and work in a team
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Christmas bonus
- Bike-Leasing
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.
Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Business Development and Marketing Intern (m/f/d)
Type: Internship
Start date: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany
Key responsibilities:
- Assist in the preparation of proposals and presentations
- Support the development of new business opportunities and partnerships
- Maintain and update CRM systems with relevant client information
- Update website content
- Assist with event logistics and participate in tradeshows
- Create and distribute promotional merchandise
- Update and maintain marketing materials
- Utilize ESPs for marketing campaigns
Basic qualification:
- Currently pursuing or recently completed a degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field
- Strong analytical and research skills
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign), and Canva
- Ability to work independently and in a team environment
Desired Experience:
- Familiarity with CRM systems and data entry
- Experience with data analytics, particularly in the context of launch services
- Experience with email service providers (ESPs) and managing website content
- Experience in social media management and content creation
- Familiarity with digital marketing tools and platforms (e.g., Google Analytics, HubSpot)
- Knowledge of SEO and SEM practices
- CSS, HTML, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop)
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working possible
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.
Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Testing Infrastracture Development Engineer- Neuenstadt (m/f/d)
Type: Full-time
Start date: immediately
Location: Neuenstadt
Key responsibilities:
- Design of fluid systems and test benches for rocket engines and space propulsion systems
- Development and integration of test bench modifications and expansions
- Planing of test activities and participation to test campaigns, both at the Shetland Test Facility and the DLR Lampoldshausen Facility
- Post-Processing of data from experimental campaigns and technical reporting
- Selection of technical components and system Design
Basic qualification:
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering or a related field
- Very good understanding of test facilities, feed lines, fluid components and effects related to cryogenic liquids and compressed gases
- Understanding of cryogenic, hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Previous experience in mechanical design and CAD software
- Previous experience in fluid system design and ability to analyze and solve complex fluid system design problems
- Knowledge of different sensor types and data acquisition systems
- Know-how in rocket propulsion and fluid dynamics
- Experience in projects coordination and management
- Professional working proficiency in English
- Practical experience in rocket propulsion testing and handling of cryogenic fluids
- Understanding of electrical systems and knowledge of mechatronics is an advantage
- Previous experience on fluid systems preferably in industries such as aerospace, power & energy, process technology is beneficial
- Familiarity with industry standards and regulations is beneficial
- An exciting work environment encompassing the development, construction, and operation of hybrid rockets.
- Flexible working time (flextime), 30 days of holiday
- Hybrid working / Homeoffice / mobile working
- Christmas bonus
- Performance incentives possible
- Professional skills development through further training opportunities
- A diverse and inspiring work environment where talented individuals from over 16 nations come together to achieve greatness.
- Direct contribution and participation in the end-to-end development processes of a growing New Space start-up
Our location in Neuenstadt in the region of Heilbronn offers an ideal combination of rural charm and urban quality of life. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region is characterized by its excellent traffic connections and diverse opportunities for leisure activities. Discover the advantages of this dynamic and liveable environment and benefit from a good work-life balance. Last year, Baden-Württemberg registered by far the most patents in Germany. A total of 16,000 people work in LR BW member companies and generate an annual turnover of around 5 billion euros - and the trend is rising. The strength of Baden-Württemberg's aerospace industry lies in the integrated value chain from the screw to the research satellite.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
HyImpulse is committed to building a diverse and inclusive environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age or disability.
Ready for your future? Apply now, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..